PID Control with BeagleBone Blue

I built a PID controller in Python using a BeagleBone Blue. I plan to make an open source version and hope to show it at Maker Faire Bay Area in May. The test frame is fabricated from welded steel tube and skateboard bearings. On one end is a motor, on the other a counterweight, and in the middle is the computer and battery. 

  • The open source version will use easy to obtain materials and will not involve welding.
  • The open source Python code is at the bottom of this page.

PID means Proportional, Integral, Derivative.

The controller has a feedback loop that measures how far the lever arm is from a target angle, then adjusts the motor by using:

P = adjustment proportional to error
I = adjustment based on cumulative error over time
D = adjustment based on change in error over time

You can tune the control by changing the relative amounts of adjustment for P, I, and D.

Here is the test frame running PID:
Here is the test frame running I only:
Here is the test frame running P only:
(NOTE: D only controller does not do anything)

Source Code
#!/usr/bin/env python3 
# import python libraries 
import time 
# import rcpy library 
# This automatically initializes the robotics cape 
import rcpy 
import rcpy.mpu9250 as mpu9250 
import rcpy.servo as servo 
import rcpy.clock as clock 
mpu9250.initialize(enable_dmp=True, dmp_sample_rate=100, enable_fusion=True, enable_magnetometer=True) 
srvo = servo.Servo(1) 
clck = clock.Clock(srvo, 0.02) 
# countdown 
for i in range(0, 10): 
# settings 
kp = 0.0035  # setting for P 
ki = 0.003   # setting for I 
kd = 0.0035  # setting for D 
# initial readings 
i = 0.0 
data = 
t0 = time.time() 
e0 = (data['tb'][0] / (2.0 * 3.1416)) * 360.0 
while True: 
    data =                           # read IMU 
    t1 = time.time() 
    dt = t1 - t0                                    # change in time since last reading 
    e1 = (data['tb'][0] / (2.0 * 3.1416)) * 360.0   # pitch angle 
    p = e1                                          # p is error amount 
    i = i + e1 * dt                                 # i is cumulative error over time 
    d = (e1 - e0) / dt                              # d is change in error over time 
    pid = kp * p + ki * i + kd * d                  # math for PID 
    pid = max(pid, -1.0) 
    pid = min(pid, 1.0) 
    throttle = -1.0 + (pid * 2.0)                   # throttle ESC range is -1.0 to 1.0 
    throttle = max(throttle, -1.0) 
    throttle = min(throttle, 1.0) 
    print(p, i, d, throttle) 
    t0 = t1 
    e0 = e1 
